
Professor Youssef Cassis on Remembering financial crises

MERCATOR is a five year (2020-2025) research project financed by an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council. The research explores the extent to which the memory of previous financial crises can explain practices threatening the stability of the financial system. The project stems from two simple questions: do financial actors have any knowledge, memory and understanding of previous financial crises? And, more generally, how far are they aware of the inherent instability of the financial system?

Latest News

Featured Article | EU Research Magazine

Learning from the history of financial crises

The MERCATOR Project is featured on the latest issue of EU Research Magazine. You can read more about it here or in the link above:

EU Research Magazine, Autumn 2024 issue

MERCATOR Conference | LSE

London | 17 – 18 June 2024

What is a financial crisis?

The MERCATOR Conference has been a great success. Gillian Tett, who delivered the keynote closing speech, reflected on the themes of the conference on her FT article:

Crisis memory, geopolitics and the risks of financial contagion

PRESS ARTICLE | Giuseppe Telesca per Il Sole 24 ore

Italy | 23 January 2024

Cosa resta della crisi finanziaria globale del 2008?

Research Seminar | Adam Smith Business School

Glasgow | 13 December 2023

15 years from the Global Financial Crisis. What memory is left?

Conference | Centre de Recherche en Économie de Grenoble

Grenoble | 16 November 2023

Remembering and forgetting financial crises

Conference | Memory Studies Association

Newcastle | 3 – 7 July 2023

The Benefits of an Encounter between Collective Memory Research and Economic History